The Solutions Party

Strong Democracy +  Positively Applied Technology = Greater Freedom and Prosperity

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“Let’s envision the future that we want, and make it a reality 

Our Proposal:

  • Take steps to greatly strengthen our democracy
  • Put into place an international technology watchdog

The Goal:

  • Work toward a world free of autocracies
  • End the tragic and widespread waste of human talent
  • Make technology better serve humankind


Of the many difficult challenges that confront humankind today, arguably the following three are particularly notable: the rise of autocracies, the scourge of wasted human talent, and the double-edged sword of technology. Effectively taking on these challenges is crucial to steering our country, and our world, toward a better future.

Job Number One

Probably the most fundamental task before us is freeing the world of autocracies. This is because overcoming the other two challenges will not be possible unless we first successfully address this one. Of course accomplishing this will not be easy, as autocrats around the world are adopting measures to solidify their stranglehold on power. These measures include (1) squelching dissent by deploying an ever more sophisticated internal security infrastructure, and (2) allying themselves with other autocrats to ensure their mutual security and to carry out their common war on democracy. Further, we should not be surprised if some autocratic nations aspire to neutralize potential external threats by developing nuclear arsenals, as is happening now in the case of Iran, which in turn is following the example of North Korea.

Let us be under no illusion: autocrats know that democracy’s success is a mortal threat to their tinpot empires, and therefore they are endeavoring in an increasingly united way to destroy it worldwide. They are joined in this effort by others, both from within and without our borders, who have a vested interest in seeing democracy fail. We must start a vigorous counteroffensive that begins by shoring up our own democracy; this in turn involves addressing the multiple weaknesses that currently plague it.

Our efforts must start by making it much more difficult for our elected officials to place their own political careers and partisan interests ahead of democracy and the public good. The Solutions Party believes that ending reelection is the most effective way to achieve that goal. At the same time reforming our elections, judiciary, government, and political parties will be just as important, as well as taking measures to reverse the increasingly sorry state of journalism in our country. Through these efforts let us make America what it should be: a democracy where a well-informed and highly-engaged electorate focuses on ideas proposed by serious candidates, instead of wallowing in tribal emotions stoked by greedy, unprincipledsay anything” charlatans.

Making our democracy stronger than ever will be the foundation for creating an opportunity-rich economy. Widespread prosperity will be realized by the combination of unlimited clean energy, a creative and flexible workforce, an efficient can-do government, and a business community that is dedicated to not just making profits but—just as importantly—making positive contributions to society.

By proving to the world that free societies function much better, we will weaken the autocracies and open up an ever-widening power gap. Let the shining example of our freedom and prosperity be the inspiration for all those living under the oppressive thumb of autocratic regimes to rise up; let us stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them when they do so. Let us further consider expanding the role of NATO to protect democracies worldwide from being toppled by either internal military coups or by external autocratic regimes—an example of the latter being Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Realizing Humanity’s True Potential

A truly functioning democracy combined with an opportunity-rich economy will go a long way to addressing the greatest squandered resource of all: human talent. In our country, as well as worldwide, far too many people never achieve their potential due to less-than-ideal conditions during their upbringing, lack of educational or work opportunities, or myriad other reasons. Political oppression, unchecked corruption, and institutionalized prejudice particularly in autocratic countries are additional major factors that tragically waste the talent of so many people (especially women and girls). Both today and throughout history, wasted talent has deprived the world of innumerable potentially great scientists, artists, teachers, business innovators, political and religious leaders, athletes, and so much more.

With the autocracies tossed to the ash heap of history, systems in place to hold in check the greed of elected officials and businesses, and an effective war on corruption, we can make important strides toward giving everyone the opportunity to have a rich, potential-fulfilling life. Should not that be the most basic human right of all, one that we should make every effort to realize?

Channeling Technological Progress

Advances in technology over the past two centuries have been among humankind’s greatest successes. It is no exaggeration to say that every single convenient aspect of modern life has been made possible due to the astounding scientific and technological progress achieved over the last couple of centuries. Unfortunately, technological advancements also prove too often to be a mixed blessing, especially when those with power and boundless greed adopt them for self-serving purposes. A few simple examples are:

  1. The smartphone: an incredibly versatile device that is being hijacked by governments and unscrupulous corporations to monitor every aspect of people’s lives for control or profit.
  2. Artificial Intelligence (A.I.): a rapidly advancing technology that has many possible positive applications, but has also been the focus of increasing concern for multiple reasons, including the obviously disturbing possibility that it could lead to human extinction according to some experts.
  3. Mind-reading technology that is currently under development: while it doubtlessly will have potential beneficial uses when it is perfected, make no mistake: despotic governments will absolutely use it as a gruesome tool of oppression.   

Let us strive to have technology serve us better. One possible idea to achieve this is for the world’s democracies to establish an international watchdog that will have as its goal to coordinate efforts such that new technological developments are throughly analyzed in turns of benefits versus drawbacks. (In this effort, ironically AI could be valuable to monitor developments in AI and other new technologies). A careful balance must be struck so as to not impede innovation, while ensuring that new technologies will be used only for the beneficial purposes. Autocratic regimes will most likely not join the effort, or if they do so it will not be in good faith; tyrants will always view technological progress only through the distorted lens of their own perverse lust for power. This is yet another important reason why we must set our sights on realizing a world that is free of autocracies. Otherwise, ever more sophisticated technology will be used by some for ever more horrific purposes, endangering everyone—no matter where they live.

Humanity’s North Star

In a speech in 1982, President Ronald Reagan suggested that “the march of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash-heap of history as it has left other tyrannies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self-expression of the people.” In our own country and elsewhere this suggestion was ridiculed as pure fantasy in some circles, yet less than ten years after his speech the Soviet Union and many of its satellite autocratic regimes collapsed. Let us remember Ronald Reagan’s vision and wisdom as we recommit ourselves to a world where people can live free, fully realize their potential, and where technology serves exclusively to enable both.

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